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Our Kaupapa/Philosophy

This is who we are, what we believe and the core values that guide all that we do here at Christopher & Robin.


Whanaungatanga:  People are taonga/treasure

The most important part of our kaupapa is the people.  We see all involved in our centre as whānau; tamariki, their whānau, our kaiako and community.  We are a family, connected by a powerful common purpose, enriched by each other and bound by mutual respect. Our goal is to create a sense of togetherness where everyone feels they belong/mana whenua.

We promote whanaungatanga through:

-  Building close and authentic relationships with whanau, creating links between life at home and preschool.

-  Working in partnership, regular sharing of aspirations, goals and milestones.  We embrace and celebrate that whānau are our children’s first teachers.

-  Regular events with our community, parent evenings, shared morning teas and celebrations

-  Valuing and celebrating Te Ao Māori, acknowledging Māori as tangata whenua.

-  Creating relationships that are based on respect, reciprocity and aroha.

Whakatauki: He aha te mea nui o te ao? Māku e kī atu, he tangata, he tangata, he tangata.

What is the most important thing in this world? It is people, it is people, it is people.


Manakitanga:  We are heart led

Manakitanga is the process of showing respect, generosity and care for others.  It is about being kind, helping and supporting each other– extending aroha/love to those around us.  Thoughtfulness, kindness and belonging are central to our identity helping enhance the mana of all.

We promote Manakitanga through:

-  Having a passion for quality and responsive care and learning

-  Promoting a culture of kindness, empathy and care

-  We encourage tuakana teina relationships where children can learn from each other.

-  Creating a sense of  care and respect for the environment and resources that are theirs to explore and play with  -  Caring about others, uplifting them, supporting them, making them feel at home and loved.


Whakatauki: He kura te tangata.

Our humanity is precious.


Harikoa/Joy: We find joy in the simplest of moments

Joy, fun and laughter through play is a big part of how children learn and grow.  We like to encourage tamariki to  see the joy in all of the smallest moments.  To us the best sound is the laughter of our tamariki as they discover the world around them.

We promote Haridoa through:

-  Lots of laughter and happiness in our interactions and relationships

-  Creating a loving and safe environment where we live in the moment with the tamariki

-  Positive talk - affirmations, praise, loving words

-  Through our value of Manaakitanga- Promoting a culture of kindness, empathy and care

-  Encouraging children to share their interests and passions

-  Offering a wide range of opportunities and experiences through provocations, excursions, links to the local community.


Whakatauki: Ko te katakata te rongoā pai rawa itu

Laughter is the best medicine


Mana-enhanced curriculum - We all come with strengths


There are varying forms of mana, none of which are independent from each other.  For us here at Christopher & Robin a mana enhancing practice is a way of engaging with others that cares for the spiritual, emotional, physical, and intellectual dimensions of our tamariki, whānau and kaiako.

We enhance Mana by:

-  Following children's interests allowing them a sense of ownership/agency over their learning.

-  Utalizing and acknowledging tamariki, their whānau and our kaiako strengths, interests, passions and aspirations.

-  Enhancing everyone’s mana through celebrating identity and individuality.

-  Ensuring that everyone in our C&R whānau feel that they have a place here, they are valued, important and integral to our curriculum and kaupapa

- Protecting and enhancing individuals wairua, their connectedness to the continuum of life from the spiritual world of the ancestors and gods to the physical world.

Whakatauki: Ko te ahurie o te tamaiti arahia ō tātou mahi

Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work

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